Your Purpose

All of us come to this world with a set purpose that God ordained to us before we were even in the womb. As we go through life we are to find what our purpose is. Some people are not even aware of what their purpose is or how to go about to even finding what their is their purpose.

What is your passion? What is the very thing that brings you joy when you are down, up, in-between? What gives you satisfaction? What do you pride yourself in doing once it's done? For some it is singing, dancing, painting/drawing, helping others. Some it is as simple as planting flowers or cooking their award winning meal.

While you may have quite a few things that bring you pleasure in doing, if you do it well, and it is positive, and you know that God would see it as good, this very well could be your passion.

The good thing about that passion is that God didn't give you that passion just to entertain you. This could be the very thing that allows you to become wealthy. It is your purpose. God planted the seed of your passion in you so that you might make good of it and spread it far and wide. It may not impact the world, but if you can impact home you have fulfilled your purpose.

The thing you need to do is really look at yourself, and look in yourself and pull out that passion and let it shine. Really embrace the things that having sole meaning to you and brings you pure joy and share it with others. You do not know who you could help, or how it might help you. Just know that you do hold a purpose and it is the path in which the Lord wants you to go in order for you to let your little light shine. Follow your dreams and it could very well illuminate the world!


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