Be You

Today, I was inspired to write about just being you. A lot of people get twisted in this very influential society about joining the crowd and being like someone that they are no where near like. I just do not get how grown folks would want to follow a trend that does not represent them well. What makes it so bad, is some people are well over 35 and the people they try to follow are half their age. Come on now, lets be realistic. Blue, pink, and red hair is not for everyone. And by the time you are 30 and older, do you not think that it is time to dress and act appropriately? 

Today, I have on a business suit and I look like I'm ready to go and work at a fortune 500 company. Is that me? Yes, it is. As a business owner and trying to get things moving, I feel that it is appropriate to look the part. Crazy thing about it is, I do not have any meetings to attend, I am just preparing myself for what is to come. There is nothing wrong with that. I feel if you condition your whole self for what you know is to come, it will most definitely come. It is showing the Lord that you are indeed ready for His blessings. 

It is a total mind over matter thing for me. I am conditioning myself for business in more than one company, stepping into the harvest in which I have so vigorously sowed, and just being me. When your mind is on business, act is on business, dress is on business, by gosh, you will become business. Just like if your mind is on art, act is on art, dress is on art, you are art. You have to dress the part of what you are going after in life. You have to be true to you in ALL that you do. Am I going to wear business suits every day? No. I am also a writer. I will gladly wear black leggings, and a t-shirt with all of my favorite authors on it also. I am also a chef. There might be days that I will put on my chef pants and lounge around in those. 

It is not just about dressing the part. You must actually do the things in which you are seeking to enhance about yourself. I know I loved to cook, so instead of just cooking around the house, letting the family enjoy my food, I decided to go to cooking school, learn some things I did not know about food, and I am seeking a food truck so that I might bring joy to others through my cooking. I already do my best to help sisters who are in abusive relationships get away. God let me go through it and he put it on my heart that I want to help women get away from what is not good for them. Not just men either, it might be drugs, alcohol, sex. I am a writer, so I work on my book about 2 to 3 times a week. I try to keep the action of what I know I already am and what I want to capitalize from. 

All I am trying to emphasize is just be you in everything and all that you do! Life is too short to try to be like anyone else but you. The coolest thing you could do is rock you and rock you to the fullest. We all have codes that others can not duplicate even if they tried. That is why it is vital to embrace you and embrace you fully. You are designed to do something or be something special to the world. 

It is never too late to be the you that God has designed you to be. Every morning that you awake He has given you another chance to just be you and while you do that, make sure you give God all of the glory and the praise because He has truly made a blessing when He created you!!!


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