
In the blog that I posted before this one I talked about passion. I mentioned something about one might not know what their passion is. When you find out what it is do not be afraid to put it to work and be happy. The thing about following your passions and dreams is overcoming fear in order to even be able to accomplish those passions. Some people are afraid to do what they love to do. They let excuses like kids, bills, and "doing what's right" sway them out of following what they are truly in love with.

God wants us to tap into those things that we are passionate about. If He did not want us to, He would not have planted them into us. I am still overcoming my fear, but I am now walking into my purpose more and more everytime I do something as simple as posting a blog. It is true therapy to my soul and it is allowing me a freedom that no one but God can take away from me. I plan on expanding on my passion, and others to come. I would love to challenge you to do what you are in love with doing. If it is wrong in God's eyes, find out what would be the right way to go about your passion and watch the joy and freedom that it brings to your life.

I promise you that you will gain a fulfillment that you may have been missing in your life all along. Who knows it could even make you rich and wealthy. Do not let fear stop you from what God has set out for you. This lets God down and it makes room for evil and darkness to set in and you will not have happiness in your life. I can only speak on this because it is something that I have gone through and is something that I am fighting everyday. If you have faith in God, yourself and your passions and dreams, and put them to work, God will bless you in ways that you could not even imagine or ever thought of!


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