
Perserverance - : continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition : the action or condition or an instance of persevering : steadfastness

quick do you give up? Or when you put your mind to it do you fight it to the end? When I first actually decided to leave Alabama, which was not the easiest decision I've made in my life, I made a vow to myself that my goal was to go to school and do better in life by God, me, my child, and my family. It was not an easy feat but I was so determined that I was going to finish school, get a job, and start doing things in which my heart desired.

Things went far from smooth as I was almost homeless, rejected by my own family member and so called friend, and did not have transportation to get there. I had a week to think about it which was the beginning of the second rotation of classes. I really did not know how I was going to get to school. Luckily I was blessed with a real friend who let me live with them, so that was taken care of, but I still did not know how I was getting to school. I had received a phone call from my dad and I did not tell him everything, but before we got off of the phone he had let me know that he was proud of me. That phone call pushed me to the limit, because I decided then that I was getting to school. Monday morning came and I took out 9:00 in the morning. I had to be at school at 11 so I felt that was a good time and it was because I walked all the way from where I was living to my school. It took just over 2 and a half hours to get to school, but I was going to get there. My daddy just do not know the perserverance he had awaken in me, but he did in a mighty way. I decided that I was not going to let him down which in turn would let me down. I wanted something bad enough that I was going to walk however far to do it. Eventually, the school helped me find a way to get to school untell I gained a friend from school who would come and get me so I can get to school. God made sure that I had a way because I was determined to do something and I did something others would not have normally done.

I graduated at the end of 2011. I was so proud of myself I did not know what to do with myself. That moment there let me know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I put my mind to doing something and did it. This is something that you should do too. Not only does it makes God happy, but the gratitude that you feel, the accomplishment that you feel, no one can give that to you but yourself. So next time you want to give up, do not do that. Keep going. God will make sure that if you perservere, He will open ways for you out of no way.

God Bless and keep on pushing!!! HeartHeartHeart


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